Sept 2017 - July 2018

Topics this year

Autumn Term: ‘Medicine’

Spring Term: ‘Around the World’

Summer Term: ‘Invaders’

The homework map can be located under School Information/Curriculum/Homework.   In addition to the homework, all children in KS2  will have reading three times a week, spellings and times tables. 

  The first homework will be due on Monday 16th October with the second being due on Monday 11th December. 

Spelling lists go home at the beginning of each term.  Children are expected to get a minimum of 8/10  for their spellings every week. The weekly spelling test is on a Tuesday.

Times tables
Weekly times tables tests are given.  Children in  Year 4 are expected to know  all times tables up to 12 by the end of the year.


Swimming will take place every Friday afternoon this term.

Indoor PE
Indoor PE will be every Thursday this year.

Music is on a Monday this year and, for the rest of this term, the children will required to have their recorders in school.

We visit Werrington Library on ( date to be confirmed).  Children take responsibility for their library card and any books that they borrow and are expected to bring these to school on the correct day.

Class Assembly

Our Class Assembly will be held on 23rd February 2018,  and we look  forward to seeing you all there.