Academy Governance Constitution


Mrs Fiona Beveridge (Chair) - Community

Current Term:  July 2023 - July 2027

I joined the Governing Body in September 2019.  I have previous experience of being a Governor at Caverstede Early Years School where I served as Vice-Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor for 5 years.   I have been elected Chair for the 2022-23 academic year.

I am married and have two children who have both attended William Law. 

I was brought up a Christian and have been worshipping at Paston All Saints Church since 2010 with my children. I am an active member of the Church Community. I have been leading Sunday School since 2016, sit on the PCC and help to direct the Christingle Nativity every year. My faith is very important to me so it was vital that my children attend a school that has a strong Christian ethos and enables them to celebrate their faith. 

In my professional life, I have worked within the Local Authority since I was 20 years old in a number of roles. I currently work as a Business Analyst and hope that my experience and knowledge of Business and Data analysis enables me to assist the Governing body in helping the school and its pupils to thrive and achieve academically. 


Sue Bennett

Miss Sue Bennett (Vice-Chair) - Church

Current Term:  May 2022 - May 2026     

I became a Governor in November 2012.  I have a background in education, having worked as a primary school teacher/deputy head/acting head teacher for 34 years.  I have been elected Vice-Chair for the academic year 2022-2023.

I am still passionate about education, and keen to see children today develop into well-rounded young people, equipped to cope with all the pressures of life in the 21st century.  I consider myself to be a "hands-on" governor, and volunteer for one morning a week, currently with Year 6.  I enjoy this opportunity to interact with both children and staff.  I have been an active member of Werrington Parish Church for 26 years. 

I see my role as governor being multi-faceted, helping pupils to receive the best and broadest education they can whilst supporting staff in delivering that education.  It is a challenging and ever-changing role, but one which I enjoy immensely.



Reverend Sue Fear - Church 

Current Term:  March 2022 - March 2026

I became a Governor in March 2018.

Born in Peterborough, I grew up in Glinton and after leaving school I moved to Birmingham to train as a Registered Learning Disability Nurse. In 1984, I married Kevin and we settled in the Deepings; we have three grown up children and two young grandsons.  Until 2012, I worked in Clinical, Managerial and Leadership roles within multi-disciplinary Specialist Children’s Community teams, based in Peterborough and latterly within Fenland and Huntingdon CAMHS.

In July 2011, I was Ordained in Peterborough Cathedral to serve my Title post as Assistant Curate of St. John the Baptist with Emmanuel, Werrington.  Having completed my curacy training and BA (Hons) in Christian Theology, I was Licensed as Associate Vicar in September 2015 and and was Collated and Installed as Vicar of St. John the Baptist with Emmanuel, Werrington on 22nd October 2023.  

As part of my role I enjoy leading Collective Worship, welcoming the children to services at St John’s throughout the school year, especially Year 1 ‘Wedding Days’, sharing the special Church seasons with the children and so much more.

I value the Christian ethos of William Law, as well as, the strong supportive relationship shared between school and church.  As a Church Governor I support the school’s vision and strategy to deliver high quality education for all children and am passionate about the flourishing of every child to be the best they can be.



Mrs Ann Hornsby - Community 

Current Term:  March 2020 - March 2024

Having had the pleasure of joining the school Governing Body in March 2020, my aim is to use my knowledge and experience I have gained over the years, to proactively support the school wherever and however I can be of service. I grew up locally, with both my children and currently one of my grandchildren is attending the school. With Christian values, I have a vested interest in helping the school recognise and consolidate its current best practice and strive for continuous improvement.

In my professional life, I'm an Early Childhood Specialist, working for Peterborough City Council. The role provides advice, guidance, support and training to all OFSTED early years and childcare practitioners within Peterborough to ensure the provision of safe, secure, quality learning environments for children, to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities.

In my role as Governor, I aim to work tirelessly to assist staff, parents and governors in ensuring that all pupils receive an excellent education and move on to secondary school as happy, confident, resilient people with a lifelong love of learning.



 Parent Governor




Mrs Hannah Wayte - Parent

Current Term:  October 2021 - October 2025

I was elected a parent governor in October 2021. 

I have lived in Werrington since 2018, my eldest child started William Law in 2019.  I also have another child who will join William Law when the time comes.  One of the reasons we moved to Werrington was due to the excellent reviews we'd heard about William Law. 

I have a vested interest in William Law and I am committed to improving the education for all children. I am fully invested in the school's Christian ethos and to upholding these values and making sure every child who attends William Law can develop and thrive.

In my professional life I have worked within the Local Authority for 17 years undertaking the finances for the Property department. 



Mrs Clare Post - Staff

Current Term:   May 2024 - May 2028






Mr D Epton-Smith 

Current Term: Ex-Officio (Staff)


Governance Professional


Mrs D Walden