Illnesses should be reported to the school office by 8.45am, where possible, on the first day of the child's illness. A reason for the illness and an expected return date to school should be given.
If you have not made contact with school by 9.30am regarding your child's absence, school will always follow this up. This is part of our duty of care and safeguarding procedures. We do this by trying to contact the main contact in the first instance. If this is unsuccessful after two attempts, we shall attempt to contact the emergency contacts that you will have provided to us on admission. If we still do not know about the whereabouts of a child, after making contact with all the named contacts, school will conduct a pastoral visit to the home. To avoid this action being taken, please report all absences on the first day of the absence. Please do continue to update us on the progress your child is making, relating to their absence.
Children suffering with diarrhoea or vomiting should not be brought back to school until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours.
For any absences to be taken during the school day other than illness, a leave of absence request form, (available below or from the front of school), should be completed in advance providing full information and evidence (if needed) for the absence, and submitted to the school. If you are requesting the same leave period for more than one child, you only need to complete one form advising of all children's details that the absence relates to.
Where the absence is for a child's medical reason, notification of the appointment should be shown to the office staff or a copy attached to the form so that it can be recorded that it has been seen.
Leave of Absence Requests
Due to Government legislation, holidays during term time can no longer be permitted unless in an exceptional circumstance and at the discretion of the Headteacher. A decision can only be made based on the information that is provided on the form. Please therefore ensure that full details of the exceptional circumstance surrounding the absence is given on the form (please use additional paper if needed) with evidence provided where necessary (confirmation of flights does not prove that you are attending a wedding, it could be for a holiday). Each parent with parental responsibility will be written to, irrespective of whether they are named on the form or they live with the child. Four weeks notice is required for a leave of absence request so that school can make their judgement. We can only make a decision on the information that is provided to us. If a full reason is not provided or evidence forthcoming, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.
Please refer to our Attendance Policy under School Information/Policies, a hard copy of which has been sent home.
As William Law are part of the PDET MAT, we also have to follow their guidelines on term-time absences which clearly states that "if an event can be reasonably scheduled outside term-time, then it would not be normal to authorise absence for such an event - holidays are therefore not considered 'exceptional circumstances'".
If your child has unauthorised absences, you could be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice fine of £120.00 per child per parent if paid within 28 days but reduced to £60.00 per child per parent if paid within 21 days. The fine is issued by and dealt with by the Local Authority and not the school.